How to Grow Hydroponics for Beginners

How to grow hydroponics is actually not difficult. You can even use used mineral water bottles to make hydroponic devices at home.

Hydroponic cultivation of plants is now very popular. Although it is widely known, not everyone understands how to grow hydroponics. Though the cultivation of plants with this system is not difficult. You can even use simple tools and materials that are easy to find. There are actually many types of hydroponics. But not everything is easy to practice for beginners. Because the capital to make hydroponic installations is not cheap and plant care must also be taken seriously.

For those of you who do not have a basic understanding of agricultural science, there is an easy way to make simple hydroponics at home. Namely by applying the wick system hydroponics. What is wick system hydroponics? Let’s see the following explanation. Hydroponics Wick System Wick System is a simple hydroponic growing method that is suitable for beginners. On the website, it is explained that this hydroponic system is known as a passive system. Because there are no moving parts.

The nutrient solution is drawn into the growing medium with the help of a wick. Usually the wick used comes from flannel or other materials that easily absorb water. To grow plants with this system, you can use hydroponic growing media such as rockwool, perlite, bermiculite, gravel, hydroton, husk charcoal, and cocopeat.

How to Grow Simple Hydroponics Growing plants using a wick system is very easy. so anyone can make it. There are also many materials used. The wick system is also a way to process plastic waste, especially used mineral water bottles. Quoting from the Journal of Community Service and Development PNP 2(2), here’s how to make a hydroponic wick system.

1. Prepare tools and materials

The first thing you have to do when you want to make simple hydroponics is to prepare tools and materials. The wick system requires several tools and materials such as the following: 600 ml used mineral water bottle. Scissors, knife or cutter. Stove wick, old cloth, or flannel used to drain nutrients. Seed plant. Rockwool growing medium. AB Mix fertilizer nutrition. Nail Water

2. Creating a wick . system
The next way to grow hydroponics is to make the wick system itself. The method is as follows.

The 600 ml mineral water bottle is cut into two parts. In the part or (near the neck of the bottle) a hole is made using a heated nail. There is also a hole in the bottle cap with a diameter to adjust the axis to be used in this hydroponic system. Insert the wick into the hole in the bottle cap. Attach the top of the bottle in the best direction. Insert the hydroponic growing medium at the top of the bottle and fill the bottom of the bottle with water. Later, the water under the bottle will be absorbed by the stove wick and wet the planting media above it.

3. Choosing hydroponic seeds
The next stage is choosing hydroponic seeds. Types of plants that are usually cultivated with a hydroponic system are horticulture plants. Some of these plants include vegetables, fruit, flowers, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, gardening plants, and so on.

4. Sowing seeds
You can buy plant seeds at a farm shop. However, the seeds should not be planted directly using a hydroponic system. It would be better if you sow the seeds of the plant first. The steps for sowing seeds that are part of how to grow hydroponics are as follows. Cut the planting medium (rockwool) size 2.5 x 2.5 cm. Wet the planting medium by sprinkling water or spraying water over the surface of the planting medium. Make a hole in the center of the media about 2 mm deep. Insert the seed into the hole. Cover with black plastic and store in a dark room. After 1-2 days see the results of the nursery. Then open the plastic and place it in direct sunlight. Dry every day and water the planting medium when it is dry. When the true leaves appear, the seeds can be moved to a hydroponic location.

5. Prepare a nutrient solution Although the wick system is a simple way of growing hydroponic bottles, the nutrient solution must still be considered. The nutrients needed in hydroponics are known as AB Mix. This solution is widely sold in farm stores. If the nutrients are in powder form, they must first be dissolved. Mix solutions A and B with clean water. The dose that can be used is every 5 ml of solution A and B mixed with 1 liter of water.

6. The process of transplanting The transplanting process can be done in the following way. Prepare hydroponic media. Dissolve the nutrients at the bottom of the bottle. Remove the rockwool that contains the plant seeds. Place the seeds located on the top of the media that has been installed with the axis. Attach the top and bottom of the hydroponic device. Finally, the hydroponic plant with the wick system is complete.

7. Caring for plants
The next way to grow hydroponics is to take care of plants. The stages of treatment that can be done are providing additional nutrition, treating pests and plant pathogens, doing watering, and other treatments.

8. Harvest
The final stage of the wick system hydroponic planting is harvesting. This activity depends on the type of plant. Generally, hydroponic plants are short-lived about 30-45 days. How to harvest that can be done also according to the type of plant. This can be done by cutting the top of the plant or pulling the plant. That’s how to grow hydroponics in a simple way for beginners. Hydroponics with this wick system can be practiced at home and can be placed in a narrow area. Because this hydroponic device can be attached to the wall of the house.